This article shows how to protect Servers and Virtual Desktops with Zscaler using Cloud Security Connectors from Azure Cloud.
The following example is a real case scenario of a customer with the following challenges:
- For Virtual Desktops:
- To achieve speeds of 1 Gbps (or more) to Zscaler from Azure Cloud
- To reach Okta from their own IP (and not Zscaler's IPs) for seamless Single Sign On (disabling MFA for VDI).
- To reach Trusted Web Sites from their own Public IP and not Zscaler.
- To achieve High Availability using Availability Sets.
- To Load Balance the traffic among several IPsec tunnels
- To achieve multiple redundancies to Zscaler: ZEN node redundancy, Tunnel Redundancy, CSC redundancy, etc.
Solution: To deploy a "CSC Pool" using the Azure Template provided in this guide. |
- For Servers:
- To achieve High Availability to Zscaler for Servers using Explicit Proxy. [Note: Explicit Proxy is when you have only one IP (or hostname) as a proxy destination. If this IP (or hostname) is not reachable, the server will lost communication to Zscaler.]
- To achieve High Availability using Availability Sets.
- To have full visibility of Internal IPs on Zscaler in order no to ask Authentication for Server Subnets.
- To achieve multiple redundancies to Zscaler: ZEN node redundancy, Tunnel Redundancy, CSC redundancy, etc.
Solution: To deploy a "CSC HA Pair" using the Azure Template Provided in this guide. |
Video 1: Introduction:
Network Diagram:
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Deployment instructions:
- Prerequisites:
- Subnet for the CSCs: Create (or chose) the External and Internal Subnet for the CSCs. In this example the names are: csc-external-East-US and csc-internal-East-US.
- On Zscaler console create:
- One VPN credential (Email and Key) for the "CSC HA Pair".
- One Location for the "CSC HA Pair" and attach the corresponding VPN credentials.
- Create a "Sublocation" under Location "CSC HA Pair", add the Server Subnet IP range and select "Enforce Authentication=Disabled"
- One VPN credential (Email and Key) for the "CSC Pool".
- One Location for the "CSC Pool" and attach the corresponding VPN credentials.
- The "CSC Bypass" PAC file. Attached and example of the "CSC Bypass" PAC file. The file is called: az-csc-bypass.pac (click here to download). This PAC is to allow certain domains and subdomains to pass via the CSC Bypass, and to reach the destination from your own public IP.
- A Small Ubuntu VM available to run Azure-cli. Install Azure CLI following this instructions: Azure CLI install on Ubuntu . Also, install the Automation Script: as shown on the video.
Video 2 - Prerequisites
- Deployment Steps - A) CSC deployment and common settings.
- Using Azure Portal:
- Go to "Templates" and create a template using: csc-lb-availabilty-set-3c.json
- Deploy the Template to create 2 x CSC (HA pair) for Servers.
- Deploy the Template to create 4 x CSC (CSC Pool) for Virtual Desktops.
- Security: Choose your Primary and Secondary Zscaler Node and create a Network Security Group as shown on the video. Associate the Security Group with CSC External Subnet.
- Routing: Create a Route Table and associated the CSC External Subnet to reach the ZEN nodes via "Internet" Next-Hop and the rest via the FW
- Housekeeping: Dissociate and Delete the Bypass Public IPs. This deployment will send all Bypass traffic via Firewall. The Bypass Public IPs are named: <cscName>-eth0-1-PublicIp<#>
- Go to "Templates" and create a template using: csc-lb-availabilty-set-3c.json
- Using Azure Portal:
Video 3 - CSC deployment and common settings
- Deployment Steps - B) CSC HA Pair Configuration.
- Using the Linux VM, run the Automation Script for the CSC HA pair. As results, you will obtain a PAC file for servers and the gateway IPs of each CSC.
- Create a Route Table with the Server and the CSC internal Subnets Associated. On the route table, create a Route for the Global Proxy (type virtual appliance) using Next-Hop any CSC Gateway IP and the default route via FW, as shown in the video.
- Assign the "Contributor" Role the each CSC on the pair.
- Assign Identity to each CSC to manage the route table and to read the status each other as shown on the video.
- SSH the each CSC and Run the Initial Wizard. The CSC will reboot.
- SSH again each CSC and Run the High Availability Wizard.
Video 4 - CSC HA Pair Configuration
- Deployment Steps - C) CSC Pool Configuration
- Using the Linux VM, run the Automation Script for the CSC Pool. As results, you will obtain a PAC file for servers and the gateway IPs of each CSC.
- SSH the each CSC and Run the Initial Wizard. The CSC will reboot.
Video 5 - CSC Pool Configuration